Welcome to insanity! I hope you will enjoy it here. This blog contains my writings (fantasy, mostly, though I hope to include more genres one day), and will eventually be filled with NaNoWriMo craziness, information about my characters, story excerpts, and posts about my fictional world.
God bless! :) Don't forget to leave a comment, and feel free to ask questions!

Oct 17, 2010

Character Profile -- Hayli

Hayli, (who has no last name at the moment), is the main character in a story I'm currently working on. The story of course, has no title. You will eventually learn that I'm bad at naming things. Anyhow. I haven't fractalled her yet, because the story was just an idea I was playing around with to give me something to do until NaNoWriMo.

In her story, she was chased by two strange people until she was pulled into an alley by something. She wakes up in an orphanage, and can't remember what happened. It turns out that the people inside are very different from herself, and there's so many things she never knew existed.

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