Welcome to insanity! I hope you will enjoy it here. This blog contains my writings (fantasy, mostly, though I hope to include more genres one day), and will eventually be filled with NaNoWriMo craziness, information about my characters, story excerpts, and posts about my fictional world.
God bless! :) Don't forget to leave a comment, and feel free to ask questions!

Oct 18, 2010

Essence Maps -- Sellion

BODY{Eyes……………[Color…..(a clear summer sky)
………………………………..........(a cold rushing river)]
………………………….[Depth…..(a shallow pool)
………………………………..........(staring into pitch-black darkness)
………………………………..........(knowing there is something there but not being able to reach it)]
………………………….[Sparkle…(stars in the night sky)
………………………………..........(candlelight dancing on a smooth surface)
………………………………..........(a steel blade in sunlight)
………………………………..........(a warm fire’s glow)
………………………………..........(a gentle gesture)]}
………{Smile………………………(a faint breeze)
………………………………..........(an inviting hug)
………………………………..........(as seldom seen as a hermit)
………………………………..........(a cold, proud king)}
………{Motion…………[Grace….(a determined assassin)
………………………………..........(a roaming vagabond)]
………………………….[Strength..(a quickly-built lean-to)
………………………………..........(someone who is very shy)]
…………………………..[Speed….(a tired stallion)
………………………………..........(a slow-flowing creek)
………………………………..........(an animal fleeing danger)]}

SPIRIT{…………………[Quality..(an undiscovered treasure)]
…………………………..[Trust…..(a broken heart)
………………………………..........(a crumbling mountainside)]
…………………………..[Fear……(a brave warrior)
………………………………..........(a charging lion)
………………………………..........(disregard for safety)]}

MIND.{………………….[Longing.(an abandoned child)]
…………………………...[Logic….(a quick decision)
………………………………..........(an angry blind man)

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