Welcome to insanity! I hope you will enjoy it here. This blog contains my writings (fantasy, mostly, though I hope to include more genres one day), and will eventually be filled with NaNoWriMo craziness, information about my characters, story excerpts, and posts about my fictional world.
God bless! :) Don't forget to leave a comment, and feel free to ask questions!

Oct 30, 2010

NaNoWriMo Insanity 10/30

Me: Blank, how do you like the name "Adeneir"? Or "Adoneir". Or "Ademeir". Or "Adomeir".

Blank: I like the "Ade--" ones, I guess...

Me: It could be shortened to Aden. Or Adem, depending one which one I use.

Blank: Um, no.

Me: Aeron?

Blank: Any reason why these are all similar? But yeah, that one's closer... sounds kinda more like a good guy though.

Me: Well your parents wouldn't really expect you to be a bad guy when they named you, would they?

Aeron: True. I think I kinda like this name. Maybe. Wait... why is it in place of "Blank" now?! I never said I'd take it for sure!

Me: Yeah, but I've decided that's your name unless I just come up with something better out of the blue. Which won't happen, because I can't even come up with names when I'm trying.

Aeron: But what about that old guy's son? Wouldn't this fit him better?

Me: Meh. I'll worry about him later.

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